
flag-haitiThe Haiti Program is open intermittently to new applicants. Please contact our office.  

Eligibility of Applicants

  • Preference is given to childless, married couples who are younger than age 45
  • For couples at least one applicant must be at least age 30 and both must be no older than age 50 years
  • Single applicants must be over age 35 and no older than age 50
  • Married couples, defined as a man and a woman, must be married for 5 years
  • If not married, couples must be able to demonstrate a committed relationship of more than 5 years (must be verified)
  • Haiti does not recognize a combination of common-law and marriage years
  • All applicants must provide a psychological assessment completed by a licensed psychologist as one of the support documents; this is in addition to the homestudy assessment

Children in the Program: Children who are available for adoption in Haiti are cared for in a licensed child care facility referred to as a crèche. All creches are licensed by the Instititut de Bien-etre-Social et Recherche (IBESR) which is Haiti’s Central Adoption Authority under the Hague Convention. The majority of children who are referred for international adoption are eligible due to economic distress. Children are typically between the ages of 2 and 5 years at the time of referral and 3 and 6 years at the time of adoption.

Wait times to adopt: From the time the agency receives the homestudy and provincial approval, it takes between 3 to 4 years to complete the adoption in Haiti.

Language: Haiti is a French speaking country. All documents must be translated into French before being submitted by the agency to Haiti.

Travel: Applicants are required to make 2 trips to Haiti to complete the adoption; the first trip for two weeks and the second trip for one week.

Costs: Program costs do not include travel and accommodation overseas. Please see Summary Chart and contact our office to receive the Schedule of Fees and Services.